Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gempa oh Gempa

berita dari Jepun...agak memilukan...lebih 1300 orang terkorbang akibat bencana yg melanda Jepun...


gempa bumi 8.9 skala Richter
Tsumani menghasilkan ombak setinggi 10 meter...
kemusnahan reactor nuklear...

semuanya berkaitan antara satu sama lain...

skrg ni banyak pihak sibuk nak g antar pertolongan kt Jepun...dalam diam mereka tak sedar yg kapal2 mereka, kapal2 yg lalu lalu di sekitar kawasan bencana sebenarnya membawa sisa-sisa dan pencemaran radioaktif ke tempat2 lain...

skrg ni...pencemaran radioaktif hasil letupan rector nuklear di Jepun, dah mula berganjak ke kawasan lain...jadi hati2 la bagi yg tinggal tepi laut...

Monday, July 19, 2010

they cannot speak..

I found a 3 person, they from my region, (maybe). they come together with 2 motorcycle.

in the 1 restaurant in Besut, they come together to lunch. a few minutes, they see the "lauk-pauk" and just showing (tunjuk2), without speak.

and a Waiter come and ask him,

Waiter: do u want to drink?
all of them : (hanguk)
Waiter : what kind of drink?
all of them : (diam), buat they give "isyarat tangan ingin menulis"
Waiter: in heart - they cannot speak (bisu). hehe

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

renew my post

today I want to share with you something, I get it from Fathi Adha. this is a way to update my blog okey, just have a fun.

last begun.

3 names in your message inbox

your main ringtone
Nur Kasih

what you did at 12 last night?
do nothing

who was the last person you went with? where?
I'm not sure

the colour of t-shirt you are wearing now

the last thing you did

3 of your everyday favourite items
of course my laptop, telephone and bag

the colour of your bedroom
green - white

how much money in your wallet now?
less then RM 20.00

how's life?
happy also

your favourite song
mother's Day

what will you do next weekend?
nothing to do

when was the last time you see your mom?
a Mother's Day

where is she now?
i'm Not sure, at Home, maybe

when was the last time you talk to your parents?
I forget about it-maybe 3 week ago

who is the last person talked to you last night?
my room mate

the last suprise you got
present from my "Adopted sister"

last thing you borrowed from your friend
I'm not sure

who is your bf/ gf/ husband/ wife?
of course single

what do you feel right now?

wanna share with who?
no one

who know your secret?
no body

they keep your secret?
for sure yes!

are you angry with someone?
no body

what do you order at McD?
not yet

the last time you feel so sad?
I think.. long time ago..maybe


I don't want to tag anymore.

thank you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

story from my friend

today, i have receive message (SMS) from my friend, old friend. she told me, about a few friend view me.

in this SMS, my friend told me, a members of one school, a.k.a they call me "sombong" n "lupa kawan" and so on. almost I terkejut la dengar cerita sebegitu. but, I still love my friends, like love story.

I Think they are still love me, till they story-mory about me, till they making the story about me, till I know why...

as i know, only to reason they do like that,

  1. they love me
  2. they hate me
only two-reason...

think twice, think back, where is the wrong.. I love my friends...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

From Story Mata Coklatbiru

sudah lama rasanya tidak mengupdate blog ini. serba indah rasanya kalu menulis blog ni. hari ni I malas nak menulis dalam BI, so dalam bahasa Melayu okey kan?

ceritanya begini:

seorang lelaki yang bermata coklatbiru pergi ke sebuah Bank bersama dengan Ibunya. dalam masa ke Bank tersebut, beliau parking kereta di kawasan depan bank, disebabkan parking tak ada, jadi beliau kiranya macam parking kat depan Bank je la. sambil tunggu ibunya, beliau relex2 la dalam keta. around 6pm masa tu.

nak dijadikan cerita, seorang perempuan dengan gaya lengang-lengguk (ala2 Cat Walk) berjalan ke arah keretanya. dengan tak semena-mena, perempuan tersebut membuka pintu keratanya dan masuk serta duduk di sebelahnya (duduk di tempat sebelah Driver).

kemudiannya, perempuan itu memandangnya, dan cik Mata Coklatbiru berkata kepadanya

"U are in the Wrong Car..."

dengan selembe dia (perempuan itu) bangun dan berkata ..

"sory, malu lah I"...

baru lah cik mata coklatbiru perasan, bahawa kereta mereka adalah sama,

so moral of the story...

pandai2 la pk sebelum buat.. lalala~

sumber: cerita asal

maybe next time I write in English..,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

how long?

terasa sangat lama tidak update blog ini.. very long day maybe.

last I crate new post about Ramadhan.. almost less then 1 year ago. now i don't know want to crate or write. just want to know this blog will be "A Live" ...

so, maybe next the of the day, I try to crate a new post.

thanks following.. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Ramadhan

it is I'm late to wish??
but i must to wish it, because Ramadhan come only 1 time in i year


it was coming...
all Muslim have to do that...
because it is a rule and must to follow that...

Happy Ramadhan to all Muslim

Saturday, May 2, 2009


story about an interview

Next time when u go for an interview be prepared for this question....

E:Do u have a boyfriend?
C : I have.
Is he working Locally?
C: No. He is working Overseas.
E: Sorry, my company cannot employ u!
C: Why?
E: U will not be able to settle down here permanently. And my Company don't want to pay extra expenses on the Overseas calls just because of u.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shah Theory

Today, actually this evening I, Shah & Huss Going to stadium to jogging... it also a 1st day we are jogging together, how long we are not do that together. final day we do that is last semester, in exam week... haha

when long time not do that together, today Shah become with a new theory, it all about jogging. When Huss become a fisrt, I asked Shah....

Me : Shah, Huss going so fast, we left behind...
Shah : Don't worry...
Me : Why??
Shah : Because Huss will be "pancit" after a few minutes...
Me : It's true??
Shah: we see just a few minutes...
Me : ok..

After a few Minutes, Shah going slowly and He can't to cut across Huss..., Shah still in back, I in middle and Huss Still at the front...

a few minutes, Huss will be tired, He 'pancit', but Shah still never to cut across Huss, because Shah also tired...haha...

The Shah's Theory it also heppend, but Shah to fail to similar it... so pity...Shah..

anyway, Shah's theory it also good to use...hahaha

moral: actually not only shah's theory, but it just about human life... tired after using their enargy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What should I do??

Between morning to night...
I'm so boring, event I do my work, my task, my assignment...
I still feel like that..
I don't know why..
I don't know how to do that...

sejak sehari dua ni, aku selalu rasa tak sedap hati... tak tau kenapa, tak tau ape dah jadi... mungkin masih banyak perkara yang belum diselesaikan...

Anyway I hope I can,
I hope I will,

to take my dream...

I Have A dream, my Dream is Big!